Shaka Packager SDK
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <packager/media/formats/webm/webm_crypto_helpers.h>
7 #include <absl/base/internal/endian.h>
8 #include <absl/log/log.h>
10 #include <packager/macros/logging.h>
11 #include <packager/media/base/buffer_reader.h>
12 #include <packager/media/formats/webm/webm_constants.h>
14 namespace shaka {
15 namespace media {
16 namespace {
18 // Generates a 16 byte CTR counter block. The CTR counter block format is a
19 // CTR IV appended with a CTR block counter. |iv| is an 8 byte CTR IV.
20 // |iv_size| is the size of |iv| in btyes. Returns a string of
21 // kDecryptionKeySize bytes.
22 std::vector<uint8_t> GenerateWebMCounterBlock(const uint8_t* iv, int iv_size) {
23  std::vector<uint8_t> counter_block(iv, iv + iv_size);
24  counter_block.insert(counter_block.end(),
26  return counter_block;
27 }
29 } // namespace anonymous
31 // TODO(tinskip): Add unit test for this function.
32 bool WebMCreateDecryptConfig(const uint8_t* data,
33  int data_size,
34  const uint8_t* key_id,
35  size_t key_id_size,
36  std::unique_ptr<DecryptConfig>* decrypt_config,
37  int* data_offset) {
38  int header_size = kWebMSignalByteSize;
39  if (data_size < header_size) {
40  DVLOG(1) << "Empty WebM sample.";
41  return false;
42  }
43  uint8_t signal_byte = data[0];
45  if (signal_byte & kWebMEncryptedSignal) {
46  // Encrypted sample.
47  header_size += kWebMIvSize;
48  if (data_size < header_size) {
49  DVLOG(1) << "Encrypted WebM sample too small to hold IV: " << data_size;
50  return false;
51  }
52  std::vector<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
53  if (signal_byte & kWebMPartitionedSignal) {
54  // Encrypted sample with subsamples / partitioning.
55  header_size += kWebMNumPartitionsSize;
56  if (data_size < header_size) {
57  DVLOG(1)
58  << "Encrypted WebM sample too small to hold number of partitions: "
59  << data_size;
60  return false;
61  }
62  uint8_t num_partitions = data[kWebMSignalByteSize + kWebMIvSize];
63  BufferReader offsets_buffer(data + header_size, data_size - header_size);
64  header_size += num_partitions * kWebMPartitionOffsetSize;
65  uint32_t subsample_offset = 0;
66  bool encrypted_subsample = false;
67  uint16_t clear_size = 0;
68  uint32_t encrypted_size = 0;
69  for (uint8_t partition_idx = 0; partition_idx < num_partitions;
70  ++partition_idx) {
71  uint32_t partition_offset;
72  if (!offsets_buffer.Read4(&partition_offset)) {
73  DVLOG(1)
74  << "Encrypted WebM sample too small to hold partition offsets: "
75  << data_size;
76  return false;
77  }
78  if (partition_offset < subsample_offset) {
79  DVLOG(1) << "Partition offsets out of order.";
80  return false;
81  }
82  if (encrypted_subsample) {
83  encrypted_size = partition_offset - subsample_offset;
84  subsamples.push_back(SubsampleEntry(clear_size, encrypted_size));
85  } else {
86  clear_size = partition_offset - subsample_offset;
87  if (partition_idx == (num_partitions - 1)) {
88  encrypted_size = data_size - header_size - subsample_offset - clear_size;
89  subsamples.push_back(SubsampleEntry(clear_size, encrypted_size));
90  }
91  }
92  subsample_offset = partition_offset;
93  encrypted_subsample = !encrypted_subsample;
94  }
95  if (!(num_partitions % 2)) {
96  // Even number of partitions. Add one last all-clear subsample.
97  clear_size = data_size - header_size - subsample_offset;
98  encrypted_size = 0;
99  subsamples.push_back(SubsampleEntry(clear_size, encrypted_size));
100  }
101  }
102  decrypt_config->reset(new DecryptConfig(
103  std::vector<uint8_t>(key_id, key_id + key_id_size),
104  GenerateWebMCounterBlock(data + kWebMSignalByteSize, kWebMIvSize),
105  subsamples));
106  } else {
107  // Clear sample.
108  decrypt_config->reset();
109  }
111  *data_offset = header_size;
112  return true;
113 }
115 } // namespace media
116 } // namespace shaka
static const size_t kDecryptionKeySize
Keys are always 128 bits.
All the methods that are virtual are virtual for mocking.