Shaka Packager SDK
1 // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/es_parser_audio.h>
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cstdint>
9 #include <list>
11 #include <absl/log/check.h>
12 #include <absl/log/log.h>
13 #include <absl/strings/escaping.h>
14 #include <absl/strings/numbers.h>
16 #include <packager/macros/logging.h>
17 #include <packager/media/base/audio_timestamp_helper.h>
18 #include <packager/media/base/bit_reader.h>
19 #include <packager/media/base/media_sample.h>
20 #include <packager/media/base/timestamp.h>
21 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/ac3_header.h>
22 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/adts_header.h>
23 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/mp2t_common.h>
24 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/mpeg1_header.h>
25 #include <packager/media/formats/mp2t/ts_stream_type.h>
27 namespace shaka {
28 namespace media {
29 namespace mp2t {
31 // Look for a syncword.
32 // |new_pos| returns
33 // - either the byte position of the frame (if found)
34 // - or the byte position of 1st byte that was not processed (if not found).
35 // In every case, the returned value in |new_pos| is such that new_pos >= pos
36 // |audio_header| is updated with the new audio frame info if a syncword is
37 // found.
38 // Return whether a syncword was found.
39 static bool LookForSyncWord(const uint8_t* raw_es,
40  int raw_es_size,
41  int pos,
42  int* new_pos,
43  AudioHeader* audio_header) {
44  DCHECK_GE(pos, 0);
45  DCHECK_LE(pos, raw_es_size);
47  const int max_offset =
48  raw_es_size - static_cast<int>(audio_header->GetMinFrameSize());
49  if (pos >= max_offset) {
50  // Do not change the position if:
51  // - max_offset < 0: not enough bytes to get a full header
52  // Since pos >= 0, this is a subcase of the next condition.
53  // - pos >= max_offset: might be the case after reading one full frame,
54  // |pos| is then incremented by the frame size and might then point
55  // to the end of the buffer.
56  *new_pos = pos;
57  return false;
58  }
60  for (int offset = pos; offset < max_offset; offset++) {
61  const uint8_t* cur_buf = &raw_es[offset];
63  if (!audio_header->IsSyncWord(cur_buf))
64  continue;
66  const size_t remaining_size = static_cast<size_t>(raw_es_size - offset);
67  const int kSyncWordSize = 2;
68  const size_t frame_size =
69  audio_header->GetFrameSizeWithoutParsing(cur_buf, remaining_size);
70  if (frame_size < audio_header->GetMinFrameSize())
71  // Too short to be a valid frame.
72  continue;
73  if (remaining_size < frame_size)
74  // Not a full frame: will resume when we have more data.
75  return false;
76  // Check whether there is another frame |size| apart from the current one.
77  if (remaining_size >= frame_size + kSyncWordSize &&
78  !audio_header->IsSyncWord(&cur_buf[frame_size])) {
79  continue;
80  }
82  if (!audio_header->Parse(cur_buf, frame_size))
83  continue;
85  *new_pos = offset;
86  return true;
87  }
89  *new_pos = max_offset;
90  return false;
91 }
93 EsParserAudio::EsParserAudio(uint32_t pid,
94  TsStreamType stream_type,
95  const NewStreamInfoCB& new_stream_info_cb,
96  const EmitSampleCB& emit_sample_cb,
97  bool sbr_in_mimetype)
98  : EsParser(pid),
99  stream_type_(stream_type),
100  new_stream_info_cb_(new_stream_info_cb),
101  emit_sample_cb_(emit_sample_cb),
102  sbr_in_mimetype_(sbr_in_mimetype) {
103  if (stream_type == TsStreamType::kAc3) {
104  audio_header_.reset(new Ac3Header);
105  } else if (stream_type == TsStreamType::kMpeg1Audio) {
106  audio_header_.reset(new Mpeg1Header);
107  } else {
108  DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<int>(stream_type),
109  static_cast<int>(TsStreamType::kAdtsAac));
110  audio_header_.reset(new AdtsHeader);
111  }
112 }
114 EsParserAudio::~EsParserAudio() {}
116 bool EsParserAudio::Parse(const uint8_t* buf,
117  int size,
118  int64_t pts,
119  int64_t dts) {
120  int raw_es_size;
121  const uint8_t* raw_es;
123  // The incoming PTS applies to the access unit that comes just after
124  // the beginning of |buf|.
125  if (pts != kNoTimestamp) {
126  es_byte_queue_.Peek(&raw_es, &raw_es_size);
127  pts_list_.push_back(EsPts(raw_es_size, pts));
128  }
130  // Copy the input data to the ES buffer.
131  es_byte_queue_.Push(buf, static_cast<int>(size));
132  es_byte_queue_.Peek(&raw_es, &raw_es_size);
134  // Look for every frame in the ES buffer starting at offset = 0
135  int es_position = 0;
136  while (LookForSyncWord(raw_es, raw_es_size, es_position, &es_position,
137  audio_header_.get())) {
138  const uint8_t* frame_ptr = raw_es + es_position;
139  DVLOG(LOG_LEVEL_ES) << "syncword @ pos=" << es_position
140  << " frame_size=" << audio_header_->GetFrameSize();
141  DVLOG(LOG_LEVEL_ES) << "header: "
142  << absl::BytesToHexString(absl::string_view(
143  reinterpret_cast<const char*>(frame_ptr),
144  audio_header_->GetHeaderSize()));
146  // Do not process the frame if this one is a partial frame.
147  int remaining_size = raw_es_size - es_position;
148  if (static_cast<int>(audio_header_->GetFrameSize()) > remaining_size)
149  break;
151  // Update the audio configuration if needed.
152  if (!UpdateAudioConfiguration(*audio_header_))
153  return false;
155  // Get the PTS & the duration of this access unit.
156  while (!pts_list_.empty() && pts_list_.front().first <= es_position) {
157  audio_timestamp_helper_->SetBaseTimestamp(pts_list_.front().second);
158  pts_list_.pop_front();
159  }
161  int64_t current_pts = audio_timestamp_helper_->GetTimestamp();
162  int64_t frame_duration = audio_timestamp_helper_->GetFrameDuration(
163  audio_header_->GetSamplesPerFrame());
165  // Emit an audio frame.
166  bool is_key_frame = true;
168  std::shared_ptr<MediaSample> sample = MediaSample::CopyFrom(
169  frame_ptr + audio_header_->GetHeaderSize(),
170  audio_header_->GetFrameSize() - audio_header_->GetHeaderSize(),
171  is_key_frame);
172  sample->set_pts(current_pts);
173  sample->set_dts(current_pts);
174  sample->set_duration(frame_duration);
175  emit_sample_cb_(sample);
177  // Update the PTS of the next frame.
178  audio_timestamp_helper_->AddFrames(audio_header_->GetSamplesPerFrame());
180  // Skip the current frame.
181  es_position += static_cast<int>(audio_header_->GetFrameSize());
182  }
184  // Discard all the bytes that have been processed.
185  DiscardEs(es_position);
187  return true;
188 }
190 bool EsParserAudio::Flush() {
191  return true;
192 }
194 void EsParserAudio::Reset() {
195  es_byte_queue_.Reset();
196  pts_list_.clear();
197  last_audio_decoder_config_ = std::shared_ptr<AudioStreamInfo>();
198 }
200 bool EsParserAudio::UpdateAudioConfiguration(const AudioHeader& audio_header) {
201  const uint8_t kAacSampleSizeBits(16);
203  std::vector<uint8_t> audio_specific_config;
204  audio_header.GetAudioSpecificConfig(&audio_specific_config);
206  if (last_audio_decoder_config_) {
207  // Verify that the audio decoder config has not changed.
208  if (last_audio_decoder_config_->codec_config() == audio_specific_config) {
209  // Audio configuration has not changed.
210  return true;
211  }
212  NOTIMPLEMENTED() << "Varying audio configurations are not supported.";
213  return false;
214  }
216  // The following code is written according to ISO 14496 Part 3 Table 1.11 and
217  // Table 1.22. (Table 1.11 refers to the capping to 48000, Table 1.22 refers
218  // to SBR doubling the AAC sample rate.)
219  int samples_per_second = audio_header.GetSamplingFrequency();
220  // TODO(kqyang): Review if it makes sense to have |sbr_in_mimetype_| in
221  // es_parser.
222  int extended_samples_per_second =
223  sbr_in_mimetype_ ? std::min(2 * samples_per_second, 48000)
224  : samples_per_second;
226  const Codec codec =
227  stream_type_ == TsStreamType::kAc3
228  ? kCodecAC3
229  : (stream_type_ == TsStreamType::kMpeg1Audio ? kCodecMP3 : kCodecAAC);
230  last_audio_decoder_config_ = std::make_shared<AudioStreamInfo>(
231  pid(), kMpeg2Timescale, kInfiniteDuration, codec,
232  AudioStreamInfo::GetCodecString(codec, audio_header.GetObjectType()),
233, audio_specific_config.size(),
234  kAacSampleSizeBits, audio_header.GetNumChannels(),
235  extended_samples_per_second, 0 /* seek preroll */, 0 /* codec delay */,
236  0 /* max bitrate */, 0 /* avg bitrate */, std::string(), false);
238  DVLOG(1) << "Sampling frequency: " << samples_per_second;
239  DVLOG(1) << "Extended sampling frequency: " << extended_samples_per_second;
240  DVLOG(1) << "Channel config: "
241  << static_cast<int>(audio_header.GetNumChannels());
242  DVLOG(1) << "Object type: " << static_cast<int>(audio_header.GetObjectType());
243  // Reset the timestamp helper to use a new sampling frequency.
244  if (audio_timestamp_helper_) {
245  int64_t base_timestamp = audio_timestamp_helper_->GetTimestamp();
246  audio_timestamp_helper_.reset(
247  new AudioTimestampHelper(kMpeg2Timescale, samples_per_second));
248  audio_timestamp_helper_->SetBaseTimestamp(base_timestamp);
249  } else {
250  audio_timestamp_helper_.reset(
251  new AudioTimestampHelper(kMpeg2Timescale, extended_samples_per_second));
252  }
254  // Audio config notification.
255  new_stream_info_cb_(last_audio_decoder_config_);
257  return true;
258 }
260 void EsParserAudio::DiscardEs(int nbytes) {
261  DCHECK_GE(nbytes, 0);
262  if (nbytes <= 0)
263  return;
265  // Adjust the ES position of each PTS.
266  for (EsPtsList::iterator it = pts_list_.begin(); it != pts_list_.end(); ++it)
267  it->first -= nbytes;
269  // Discard |nbytes| of ES.
270  es_byte_queue_.Pop(nbytes);
271 }
273 } // namespace mp2t
274 } // namespace media
275 } // namespace shaka
All the methods that are virtual are virtual for mocking.