DASH options ^^^^^^^^^^^^ --generate_static_live_mpd If enabled, generates static mpd. If segment_template is specified in stream descriptors, shaka-packager generates dynamic mpd by default; if this flag is enabled, shaka-packager generates static mpd instead. Note that if segment_template is not specified, shaka-packager always generates static mpd regardless of the value of this flag. --mpd_output MPD output file name. --base_urls Comma separated BaseURLs for the MPD: **[,]...**. The values will be added as element(s) immediately under the element. --min_buffer_time Specifies, in seconds, a common duration used in the definition of the MPD Representation data rate. --minimum_update_period Indicates to the player how often to refresh the media presentation description in seconds. This value is used for dynamic MPD only. --suggested_presentation_delay Specifies a delay, in seconds, to be added to the media presentation time. This value is used for dynamic MPD only. --time_shift_buffer_depth Guaranteed duration of the time shifting buffer for dynamic media presentations, in seconds. --preserved_segments_outside_live_window Segments outside the live window (defined by `time_shift_buffer_depth` above) are automatically removed except for the most recent X segments defined by this parameter. This is needed to accommodate latencies in various stages of content serving pipeline, so that the segments stay accessible as they may still be accessed by the player. The segments are not removed if the value is zero. --utc_timings Comma separated UTCTiming schemeIdUri and value pairs for the MPD: **=[,=]...** This value is used for dynamic MPD only. --default_language Any audio/text tracks tagged with this language will have in the manifest. This allows the player to choose the correct default language for the content. This applies to both audio and text tracks. The default language for text tracks can be overriden by 'default_text_language'. --default_text_language Same as above, but this applies to text tracks only, and overrides the default language for text tracks. --allow_approximate_segment_timeline For live profile only. If enabled, segments with close duration (i.e. with difference less than one sample) are considered to have the same duration. This enables MPD generator to generate less SegmentTimeline entries. If all segments are of the same duration except the last one, we will do further optimization to use SegmentTemplate@duration instead and omit SegmentTimeline completely. Ignored if $Time$ is used in segment template, since $Time$ requires accurate Segment Timeline. --dash_only=0|1 Optional. Defaults to 0 if not specified. If it is set to 1, indicates the stream is DASH only. --allow_codec_switching If enabled, allow adaptive switching between different codecs, if they have the same language, media type (audio, video etc) and container type. --low_latency_dash_mode If enabled, LL-DASH streaming will be used, reducing overall latency by decoupling latency from segment duration. --force_cl_index True forces the muxer to order streams in the order given on the command-line. False uses the previous unordered behavior. --dash_label Optional. Will add Label tag to adapation set and will be taken into consideration along with codecs, language, media type (audio, video etc) and container type to create different adaptation sets.