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shaka::media Namespace Reference




class  AppleAudioRenderer
class  AppleVideoRenderer
struct  AudioConfiguration
class  AudioRenderer
class  AudioRendererCommon
class  BaseFrame
struct  BufferedRange
class  DecodedFrame
class  Decoder
class  DecoderThread
class  DefaultMediaPlayer
class  Demuxer
class  DemuxerFactory
class  DemuxerThread
class  EncodedFrame
struct  KeySystemTrackConfiguration
struct  MediaCapabilitiesInfo
struct  MediaCapabilitiesKeySystemConfiguration
struct  MediaDecodingConfiguration
class  MediaPlayer
class  MediaTrack
class  MseMediaPlayer
class  PipelineManager
class  PipelineMonitor
class  ProxyMediaPlayer
class  Renderer
class  SdlAudioRenderer
class  SdlManualVideoRenderer
class  SdlThreadVideoRenderer
class  Stream
class  StreamBase
class  StreamInfo
class  TextTrack
struct  VideoConfiguration
struct  VideoPlaybackQuality
class  VideoRenderer
class  VideoRendererCommon
class  VTTCue


using ElementaryStream = Stream< EncodedFrame, true >
using DecodedStream = Stream< DecodedFrame, false >
using BufferedRanges = std::vector< BufferedRange >


enum  MediaStatus : uint8_t { MediaStatus::Success, MediaStatus::FatalError, MediaStatus::KeyNotFound }
enum  PixelFormat : uint8_t {
  PixelFormat::Unknown, PixelFormat::YUV420P, PixelFormat::NV12, PixelFormat::RGB24,
  PixelFormat::VideoToolbox, PixelFormat::AppFormat1 = 128, PixelFormat::AppFormat2 = 129, PixelFormat::AppFormat3 = 130,
  PixelFormat::AppFormat4 = 131
enum  SampleFormat : uint8_t {
  SampleFormat::Unknown, SampleFormat::PackedU8, SampleFormat::PackedS16, SampleFormat::PackedS32,
  SampleFormat::PackedS64, SampleFormat::PackedFloat, SampleFormat::PackedDouble, SampleFormat::PlanarU8,
  SampleFormat::PlanarS16, SampleFormat::PlanarS32, SampleFormat::PlanarS64, SampleFormat::PlanarFloat,
  SampleFormat::PlanarDouble, SampleFormat::AppFormat1 = 128, SampleFormat::AppFormat2 = 129, SampleFormat::AppFormat3 = 130,
  SampleFormat::AppFormat4 = 131
enum  MediaDecodingType : uint8_t { MediaDecodingType::File, MediaDecodingType::MediaSource }
enum  HdrMetadataType : uint8_t { HdrMetadataType::Unspecified, HdrMetadataType::SmpteSt2086, HdrMetadataType::SmpteSt2094_10, HdrMetadataType::SmpteSt2094_40 }
enum  ColorGamut : uint8_t { ColorGamut::Unspecified, ColorGamut::SRGB, ColorGamut::P3, ColorGamut::REC2020 }
enum  TransferFunction : uint8_t { TransferFunction::Unspecified, TransferFunction::SRGB, TransferFunction::PQ, TransferFunction::HLG }
enum  VideoReadyState : int8_t {
  VideoReadyState::NotAttached = -1, VideoReadyState::HaveNothing = 0, VideoReadyState::HaveMetadata = 1, VideoReadyState::HaveCurrentData = 2,
  VideoReadyState::HaveFutureData = 3, VideoReadyState::HaveEnoughData = 4
enum  VideoPlaybackState : uint8_t {
  VideoPlaybackState::Detached, VideoPlaybackState::Initializing, VideoPlaybackState::Paused, VideoPlaybackState::Seeking,
  VideoPlaybackState::Buffering, VideoPlaybackState::WaitingForKey, VideoPlaybackState::Playing, VideoPlaybackState::Ended,
enum  MediaTrackKind : uint8_t {
  MediaTrackKind::Unknown, MediaTrackKind::Alternative, MediaTrackKind::Captions, MediaTrackKind::Descriptions,
  MediaTrackKind::Main, MediaTrackKind::MainDesc, MediaTrackKind::Sign, MediaTrackKind::Subtitles,
  MediaTrackKind::Translation, MediaTrackKind::Commentary
enum  FrameLocation : uint8_t { FrameLocation::KeyFrameBefore, FrameLocation::Near, FrameLocation::After }
enum  TextTrackKind : uint8_t {
  TextTrackKind::Subtitles, TextTrackKind::Captions, TextTrackKind::Descriptions, TextTrackKind::Chapters,
enum  TextTrackMode : uint8_t { TextTrackMode::Disabled, TextTrackMode::Hidden, TextTrackMode::Showing }
enum  DirectionSetting : uint8_t { DirectionSetting::Horizontal, DirectionSetting::LeftToRight, DirectionSetting::RightToLeft }
enum  LineAlignSetting : uint8_t { LineAlignSetting::Start, LineAlignSetting::Center, LineAlignSetting::End }
enum  PositionAlignSetting : uint8_t { PositionAlignSetting::LineLeft, PositionAlignSetting::Center, PositionAlignSetting::LineRight, PositionAlignSetting::Auto }
enum  AlignSetting : uint8_t {
  AlignSetting::Start, AlignSetting::Center, AlignSetting::End, AlignSetting::Left,


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PixelFormat format)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SampleFormat format)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat > format)
bool IsPlanarFormat (variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat > format)
size_t GetPlaneCount (variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat > format, size_t channels)
std::string to_string (VideoReadyState state)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VideoReadyState state)
std::string to_string (VideoPlaybackState state)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VideoPlaybackState state)
bool ParseMimeType (const std::string &source, std::string *type, std::string *subtype, std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > *params)
std::string NormalizeContainer (const std::string &container)
std::string NormalizeCodec (const std::string &codec)
BufferedRanges IntersectionOfBufferedRanges (const std::vector< BufferedRanges > &sources)
MediaDecodingConfiguration ConvertMimeToDecodingConfiguration (const std::string &mime_type, MediaDecodingType type)
std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > GetScreenResolution ()


constexpr const char * kCodecMimeParam = "codecs"

Typedef Documentation

§ BufferedRanges

using shaka::media::BufferedRanges = typedef std::vector<BufferedRange>

Definition at line 26 of file types.h.

§ DecodedStream

Definition at line 201 of file streams.h.

§ ElementaryStream

Definition at line 200 of file streams.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

§ FrameLocation

enum shaka::media::FrameLocation : uint8_t

Locates the first keyframe that starts before or at the given time.


Locates the frame that starts closest to the given time.


Locates the frame that starts after the given time.

Definition at line 28 of file streams.h.

Function Documentation

§ ConvertMimeToDecodingConfiguration()

MediaDecodingConfiguration shaka::media::ConvertMimeToDecodingConfiguration ( const std::string &  mime_type,
MediaDecodingType  type 

Converts a MIME type to a MediaDecodingConfiguration that is usable with the media capabilities API.

Definition at line 173 of file

§ GetPlaneCount()

size_t shaka::media::GetPlaneCount ( variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat format,
size_t  channels 
formatThe format to check.
channelsThe number of audio channels; ignored for video formats.
The number of planes for the given format.

Definition at line 92 of file

§ GetScreenResolution()

std::pair< uint32_t, uint32_t > shaka::media::GetScreenResolution ( )
the resolution of the screen.

Definition at line 196 of file

§ IntersectionOfBufferedRanges()

BufferedRanges shaka::media::IntersectionOfBufferedRanges ( const std::vector< BufferedRanges > &  sources)

Returns the buffered ranges that represent the regions that are buffered in all of the given sources.

Note this doesn't account for key frames, so this may not represent the actual playable regions.

Definition at line 144 of file

§ IsPlanarFormat()

bool shaka::media::IsPlanarFormat ( variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat format)
Whether the given format is a planar format.

Definition at line 68 of file

§ NormalizeCodec()

std::string shaka::media::NormalizeCodec ( const std::string &  codec)
The codec converted to the name FFmpeg expects.

Definition at line 135 of file

§ NormalizeContainer()

std::string shaka::media::NormalizeContainer ( const std::string &  container)
The container converted to the name FFmpeg expects.

Definition at line 128 of file

§ operator<<() [1/5]

std::ostream& shaka::media::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
VideoReadyState  state 

Definition at line 81 of file media_player.h.

§ operator<<() [2/5]

std::ostream & shaka::media::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
PixelFormat  format 

Definition at line 22 of file

§ operator<<() [3/5]

std::ostream& shaka::media::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
VideoPlaybackState  state 

Definition at line 139 of file media_player.h.

§ operator<<() [4/5]

std::ostream & shaka::media::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
SampleFormat  format 

Definition at line 41 of file

§ operator<<() [5/5]

std::ostream& shaka::media::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
variant< PixelFormat, SampleFormat format 

Definition at line 161 of file frames.h.

§ ParseMimeType()

bool shaka::media::ParseMimeType ( const std::string &  source,
std::string *  type,
std::string *  subtype,
std::unordered_map< std::string, std::string > *  params 

Parses a MIME type string into the type, subtype, and parameters. e.g.: "video/mp4; codecs=vp9"

sourceThe MIME string to parse.
type[OUT] Where to put the type (e.g. 'video').
subtype[OUT] Where to put the subtype (e.g. 'mp4').
params[OUT] Where to put a map of parameters.
True on success, false on parsing errors.

Definition at line 62 of file

§ to_string() [1/2]

std::string shaka::media::to_string ( VideoReadyState  state)

Definition at line 32 of file

§ to_string() [2/2]

std::string shaka::media::to_string ( VideoPlaybackState  state)

Definition at line 50 of file

Variable Documentation

§ kCodecMimeParam

constexpr const char* shaka::media::kCodecMimeParam = "codecs"

The name of the MIME parameter that contains the codecs.

Definition at line 33 of file media_utils.h.