Shaka Player Embedded
Instance Methods | List of all members
<ShakaPlayerNetworkFilter > Protocol Reference

#import <ShakaPlayer.h>

Inheritance diagram for <ShakaPlayerNetworkFilter >:

Instance Methods

(void) - onPlayer:networkRequest:ofType:withBlock:
(void) - onPlayer:networkResponse:ofType:withBlock:

Detailed Description

Defines an interface for network filters.

Definition at line 144 of file ShakaPlayer.h.

Method Documentation

§ onPlayer:networkRequest:ofType:withBlock:()

- (void ShakaPlayerNetworkFilter) onPlayer: (ShakaPlayer *)  player
networkRequest: (ShakaPlayerRequest *)  request
ofType: (ShakaPlayerRequestType)  type
withBlock: (ShakaPlayerAsyncBlock block 

Called before a request is sent. This can modify the request object to change properties of the request.

The block must be called when the filter is done handling the request. The block can be called synchronously within the method or on any other thread after this completes. It should be called with the error that occurred, or nil on success.

§ onPlayer:networkResponse:ofType:withBlock:()

- (void ShakaPlayerNetworkFilter) onPlayer: (ShakaPlayer *)  player
networkResponse: (ShakaPlayerResponse *)  response
ofType: (ShakaPlayerRequestType)  type
withBlock: (ShakaPlayerAsyncBlock block 

Called after a request sent, but before it is handled by the library. This can modify the response object.

The block must be called when the filter is done handling the response. The block can be called synchronously within the method or on any other thread after this completes. It should be called with the error that occurred, or nil on success.

The documentation for this protocol was generated from the following file: