Source code for streamer.controller_node

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""Top-level module API.

If you'd like to import Shaka Streamer as a Python module and build it into
your own application, this is the top-level API you can use for that.  You may
also want to look at the source code to the command-line front end script

import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import tempfile

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from streamer import __version__
from streamer import autodetect
from streamer import min_versions
from streamer.bitrate_configuration import BitrateConfig, AudioChannelLayout, VideoResolution
from streamer.external_command_node import ExternalCommandNode
from streamer.input_configuration import InputConfig, InputType, MediaType, Input
from streamer.node_base import NodeBase, ProcessStatus
from streamer.output_stream import AudioOutputStream, OutputStream, TextOutputStream, VideoOutputStream
from streamer.packager_node import PackagerNode
from streamer.pipeline_configuration import ManifestFormat, PipelineConfig, StreamingMode
from streamer.transcoder_node import TranscoderNode
from streamer.periodconcat_node import PeriodConcatNode
from streamer.proxy_node import ProxyNode
import streamer.subprocessWindowsPatch  # side-effects only
from streamer.util import is_http_url, is_url
from streamer.pipe import Pipe

[docs] class ControllerNode(object): """Controls all other nodes and manages shared resources.""" def __init__(self) -> None: global_temp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() # The docs state that if any of prefix, suffix, or dir are specified, all # must be specified (and not None). Create a temp dir of our own, inside # the global temp dir, and with a name that indicates who made it. self._temp_dir: str = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=global_temp_dir, prefix='shaka-live-', suffix='') self._nodes: List[NodeBase] = [] def __del__(self) -> None: # Clean up named pipes by removing the temp directory we placed them in. shutil.rmtree(self._temp_dir) def __enter__(self) -> 'ControllerNode': return self def __exit__(self, *unused_args) -> None: self.stop()
[docs] def start(self, output_location: str, input_config_dict: Dict[str, Any], pipeline_config_dict: Dict[str, Any], bitrate_config_dict: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, check_deps: bool = True, use_hermetic: bool = True) -> 'ControllerNode': """Create and start all other nodes. :raises: `RuntimeError` if the controller has already started. :raises: :class:`streamer.configuration.ConfigError` if the configuration is invalid. """ if use_hermetic: try: import streamer_binaries # type: ignore except ImportError as ex: # If the package couldn't be imported. raise RuntimeError( 'shaka-streamer-binaries was not found.\n' ' Install it with `pip install shaka-streamer-binaries`.\n' ' Alternatively, use the `--use-system-binaries` option if you ' 'want to use the system wide binaries of ffmpeg/ffprobe/packager.' ) from None if self._nodes: raise RuntimeError('Controller already started!') if check_deps: # If we are using the hermetic binaries, check the module version. We # must match on the first two digits, but the last one can vary between # the two modules. if use_hermetic: def shorten_version(version: str) -> str: """Shorten a version string to the first two digits.""" components = version.split('.') return '.'.join(components[0:2]) def next_short_version(version: str) -> str: """Shorten a version to two digits, then increase the second.""" components = version.split('.') components[1] = str(int(components[1]) + 1) return '.'.join(components[0:2]) streamer_short_version = shorten_version(__version__) streamer_binaries_short_version = shorten_version( streamer_binaries.__version__) if streamer_binaries_short_version != streamer_short_version: # This is the recommended install command. It installs the most # recent version of the binary package that matches the current # version of streamer itself. This is much easier to do in nodejs # dependencies, because you can use a specifier like "1.2.x", but in # Python, you have to use a specifier like ">=1.2,<1.3". pip_command = "pip3 install 'shaka-streamer-binaries>={},<{}'".format( streamer_short_version, next_short_version(__version__)) raise VersionError( 'shaka-streamer-binaries', 'version does not match', streamer_short_version, exact_match=True, addendum='Install with: {}'.format(pip_command)) else: # Check the ffmpeg version. _check_command_version('FFmpeg', ['ffmpeg', '-version'], min_versions.FFMPEG) # Check the ffprobe version (used for autodetect features). _check_command_version('ffprobe', ['ffprobe', '-version'], min_versions.FFMPEG) # Check the Shaka Packager version. _check_command_version('Shaka Packager', ['packager', '-version'], min_versions.PACKAGER) self.hermetic_ffmpeg: Optional[str] = None self.hermetic_packager: Optional[str] = None if use_hermetic: self.hermetic_ffmpeg = streamer_binaries.ffmpeg self.hermetic_packager = streamer_binaries.packager autodetect.hermetic_ffprobe = streamer_binaries.ffprobe # Define resolutions and bitrates before parsing other configs. bitrate_config = BitrateConfig(bitrate_config_dict) # Now that the definitions have been parsed, register the maps of valid # resolutions and channel layouts so that InputConfig and PipelineConfig # can be validated accordingly. VideoResolution.set_map(bitrate_config.video_resolutions) AudioChannelLayout.set_map(bitrate_config.audio_channel_layouts) self._input_config = InputConfig(input_config_dict) self._pipeline_config = PipelineConfig(pipeline_config_dict) if is_http_url(output_location): if not self._pipeline_config.segment_per_file: raise RuntimeError( 'For HTTP PUT uploads, the pipeline segment_per_file setting ' + 'must be set to True!') elif is_url(output_location): if not ProxyNode.is_understood(output_location): url_prefixes = [ protocol + '://' for protocol in ProxyNode.ALL_SUPPORTED_PROTOCOLS] raise RuntimeError( 'Invalid cloud URL! Only these are supported: ' + ', '.join(url_prefixes)) if not ProxyNode.is_supported(output_location): raise RuntimeError('Missing libraries for cloud URL: ' + output_location) if not self._pipeline_config.segment_per_file: raise RuntimeError( 'For cloud uploads, the pipeline segment_per_file setting ' + 'must be set to True!') # These are estimates. Without constructing the pipeline nodes, we don't # know precisely how many output streams there will be. This is a good # guess, though. num_video_streams = ( len(self._pipeline_config.resolutions) * len(self._pipeline_config.video_codecs)) num_audio_streams = ( len(self._pipeline_config.channel_layouts) * len(self._pipeline_config.audio_codecs)) # Cap the upload pool size at the number of CPUs. ideal_pool_size = num_video_streams + num_audio_streams max_pool_size = os.cpu_count() or 1 # technically can return None pool_size = min(max_pool_size, ideal_pool_size) upload_proxy = ProxyNode(output_location, pool_size) upload_proxy.start() # All the outputs now should be sent to the proxy server instead. output_location = upload_proxy.server_location self._nodes.append(upload_proxy) else: # Check if the directory for outputted Packager files exists, and if it # does, delete it and remake a new one. if os.path.exists(output_location): shutil.rmtree(output_location) os.mkdir(output_location) if self._pipeline_config.low_latency_dash_mode: # Check some restrictions on LL-DASH packaging. if ManifestFormat.DASH not in self._pipeline_config.manifest_format: raise RuntimeError( 'low_latency_dash_mode is only compatible with DASH ouputs. ' + 'manifest_format must include DASH') if not self._pipeline_config.utc_timings: raise RuntimeError( 'For low_latency_dash_mode, the utc_timings must be set.') if self._input_config.inputs: # InputConfig contains inputs only. self._append_nodes_for_inputs_list(self._input_config.inputs, output_location) else: # InputConfig contains multiperiod_inputs_list only. if is_url(output_location): raise RuntimeError( 'Direct cloud/HTTP upload is incompatible with multiperiod support.') # Create one Transcoder node and one Packager node for each period. for i, singleperiod in enumerate(self._input_config.multiperiod_inputs_list): sub_dir_name = 'period_' + str(i + 1) self._append_nodes_for_inputs_list(singleperiod.inputs, output_location, sub_dir_name, i + 1) if self._pipeline_config.streaming_mode == StreamingMode.VOD: packager_nodes = [node for node in self._nodes if isinstance(node, PackagerNode)] self._nodes.append(PeriodConcatNode( self._pipeline_config, packager_nodes, output_location)) for node in self._nodes: node.start() return self
def _append_nodes_for_inputs_list(self, inputs: List[Input], output_location: str, period_dir: Optional[str] = None, index: int = 0) -> None: """A common method that creates Transcoder and Packager nodes for a list of Inputs passed to it. Args: inputs (List[Input]): A list of Input streams. output_location (str): A path were the packager will write outputs in. period_dir (Optional[str]): A subdirectory name where a single period will be outputted to. If passed, this indicates that inputs argument is one period in a list of periods. index (int): The index of the current Transcoder/Packager nodes. """ outputs: List[OutputStream] = [] for input in inputs: # External command inputs need to be processed by an additional node # before being transcoded. In this case, the input doesn't have a # filename that FFmpeg can read, so we generate an intermediate pipe for # that node to write to. TranscoderNode will then instruct FFmpeg to # read from that pipe for this input. if input.input_type == InputType.EXTERNAL_COMMAND: command_output = Pipe.create_ipc_pipe(self._temp_dir) self._nodes.append(ExternalCommandNode(, command_output.write_end())) # reset the name of the input to be the output pipe path - which the # transcoder node will read from - instead of a shell command. input.reset_name(command_output.read_end()) if input.media_type == MediaType.AUDIO: for audio_codec in self._pipeline_config.audio_codecs: for output_channel_layout in self._pipeline_config.get_channel_layouts(): # We won't upmix a lower channel count input to a higher one. # Skip channel counts greater than the input channel count. if input.get_channel_layout() < output_channel_layout: continue outputs.append(AudioOutputStream(input, self._temp_dir, audio_codec, output_channel_layout)) elif input.media_type == MediaType.VIDEO: for video_codec in self._pipeline_config.video_codecs: for output_resolution in self._pipeline_config.get_resolutions(): # Only going to output lower or equal resolution videos. # Upscaling is costly and does not do anything. if input.get_resolution() < output_resolution: continue outputs.append(VideoOutputStream(input, self._temp_dir, video_codec, output_resolution)) elif input.media_type == MediaType.TEXT: if'.vtt') or'.ttml'): # If the input is a VTT or TTML file, pass it directly to the packager # without any intermediate processing or any named pipe. # TODO: Test TTML inputs skip_transcoding = True # Bypass transcoder else: # Otherwise, the input is something like an mkv file with text tracks # in it. These will be extracted by the transcoder and passed in a # pipe to the packager. skip_transcoding = False outputs.append(TextOutputStream(input, self._temp_dir, skip_transcoding)) self._nodes.append(TranscoderNode(inputs, self._pipeline_config, outputs, index, self.hermetic_ffmpeg)) # If the inputs list was a period in multiperiod_inputs_list, create a nested directory # and put that period in it. if period_dir and not is_url(output_location): output_location = os.path.join(output_location, period_dir) os.mkdir(output_location) self._nodes.append(PackagerNode(self._pipeline_config, output_location, outputs, index, self.hermetic_packager))
[docs] def check_status(self) -> ProcessStatus: """Checks the status of all the nodes. If one node is errored, this returns Errored; otherwise if one node is running, this returns Running; this only returns Finished if all nodes are finished. If there are no nodes, this returns Finished. """ if not self._nodes: return ProcessStatus.Finished value = max(node.check_status().value for node in self._nodes) return ProcessStatus(value)
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop all nodes.""" status = self.check_status() for node in self._nodes: node.stop(status) self._nodes = []
[docs] def is_vod(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the pipeline is running in VOD mode. :rtype: bool """ return self._pipeline_config.streaming_mode == StreamingMode.VOD
[docs] def is_low_latency_dash_mode(self) -> bool: """Returns True if the pipeline is running in LL-DASH mode. :rtype: bool """ return self._pipeline_config.low_latency_dash_mode
[docs] class VersionError(Exception): """A version error for one of Shaka Streamer's external dependencies. Raised when a dependency (like FFmpeg) is missing or not new enough to work with Shaka Streamer. See also :doc:`prerequisites`. """ def __init__(self, name: str, problem: str, required_version: str, exact_match: bool = False, addendum: str = ''): or_higher = '' if exact_match else ' or higher' message = '{0} {1}! Please install version {2}{3} of {0}.'.format( name, problem, required_version, or_higher) if addendum: message += '\n' + addendum super().__init__(message)
def _check_command_version(name: str, command: List[str], minimum_version: Tuple[int, ...]) -> None: minimum_version_string = '.'.join(str(x) for x in minimum_version) try: version_string = str(subprocess.check_output(command)) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: if isinstance(e, subprocess.CalledProcessError): print(e.stdout, file=sys.stderr) raise VersionError(name, 'not found', minimum_version_string) from None # Matches two or more numbers (one or more digits each) separated by dots. # For example: 4.1.3 or 7.2 or 216.999.8675309 version_match ='[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)+', version_string) if version_match: version = tuple([int(piece) for piece in'.')]) if version < minimum_version: raise VersionError(name, 'out of date', minimum_version_string) else: raise RuntimeError(name + ' version could not be parsed!')