Module API

Top-level module API.

If you’d like to import Shaka Streamer as a Python module and build it into your own application, this is the top-level API you can use for that. You may also want to look at the source code to the command-line front end script shaka-streamer.

class streamer.controller_node.ControllerNode[source]

Bases: object

Controls all other nodes and manages shared resources.

start(output_location: str, input_config_dict: Dict[str, Any], pipeline_config_dict: Dict[str, Any], bitrate_config_dict: Dict[Any, Any] = {}, bucket_url: Optional[str] = None, check_deps: bool = True, use_hermetic: bool = True) streamer.controller_node.ControllerNode[source]

Create and start all other nodes.


RuntimeError if the controller has already started.


streamer.configuration.ConfigError if the configuration is invalid.

check_status() streamer.node_base.ProcessStatus[source]

Checks the status of all the nodes.

If one node is errored, this returns Errored; otherwise if one node is running, this returns Running; this only returns Finished if all nodes are finished. If there are no nodes, this returns Finished.

stop() None[source]

Stop all nodes.

is_vod() bool[source]

Returns True if the pipeline is running in VOD mode.

Return type


is_low_latency_dash_mode() bool[source]

Returns True if the pipeline is running in LL-DASH mode.

Return type


exception streamer.controller_node.VersionError(name: str, problem: str, required_version: str, exact_match: bool = False, addendum: str = '')[source]

Bases: Exception

A version error for one of Shaka Streamer’s external dependencies.

Raised when a dependency (like FFmpeg) is missing or not new enough to work with Shaka Streamer. See also Installing Prerequisites.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class streamer.node_base.ProcessStatus(value)[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

An enumeration.

Finished = 0

The node has completed its task and shut down.

Running = 1

The node is still running.

Errored = 2

The node has failed.

exception streamer.configuration.ConfigError(class_ref, field_name, field)[source]

Bases: Exception

A base class for config errors.

Each subclass provides a meaningful, human-readable string representation in English.


A reference to the config class that the error refers to.


The name of the config class that the error refers to.


The name of the field that the error refers to.


The Field metadata object that the error refers to.

exception streamer.configuration.UnrecognizedField(class_ref, field_name, field)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when an unrecognized field is encountered in the input.

exception streamer.configuration.WrongType(class_ref, field_name, field)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when a field in the input has the wrong type.

exception streamer.configuration.MissingRequiredField(class_ref, field_name, field)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when a required field is missing from the input.

exception streamer.configuration.MalformedField(class_ref, field_name, field, reason)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when a field is malformed.

exception streamer.configuration.ConflictingFields(class_ref, field1_name, field2_name)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when multiple fields are given and only one of them is allowed at a time.

exception streamer.configuration.MissingRequiredExclusiveFields(class_ref, field1_name, field2_name)[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ConfigError

An error raised when one of an exclusively required fields is missing.

class streamer.configuration.HexString[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ValidatingType, str

A wrapper that can be used in Field() to require a hex string.

class streamer.configuration.RuntimeMap(dictionary: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Bases: Generic[streamer.configuration.RuntimeMapSubclass], streamer.configuration.Base

Maintains a map of keys to specific instances from the config file.

This means a Field can have its type defined before the valid keys/values of that type are known. For example, this is used for resolutions, which are defined by a config file.

After calling set_map on the subclass, the get_value method can be used to look up a value from its key. For example, after setting the map to {‘foo’: ‘bar’}, ‘foo’ becomes the only valid key. Passing the key ‘foo’ to the get_value then results in the value ‘bar’ being returned.

classmethod set_map(map: Dict[str, streamer.configuration.RuntimeMapSubclass]) None[source]

Set the map of valid values for this class.

classmethod get_value(key: str) streamer.configuration.RuntimeMapSubclass[source]

Get a valid value by its key.

classmethod keys()[source]

This allows the config system to print the list of allowed strings.

classmethod sorted_values() List[streamer.configuration.RuntimeMapSubclass][source]
class streamer.configuration.RuntimeMapKeyValidator[source]

Bases: streamer.configuration.ValidatingType, str

A validator that only allows the valid keys for a certain RuntimeMap subclass.

A RuntimeMap subclass should be paired with a RuntimeMapKeyValidator subclass. The RuntimeMapKeyValidator subclass should have a “map_class” variable which points to the RuntimeMap subclass.

map_class: Type[streamer.configuration.RuntimeMap] = None
classmethod name() str[source]
classmethod validate(key)[source]