Source code for streamer.node_base

# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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"""Base classes for nodes."""

import abc
import enum
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import traceback

from . import node_base
from typing import Any, Dict, IO, List, Optional, Union

[docs]class ProcessStatus(enum.Enum): # Use number values so we can sort based on value. Finished = 0 """The node has completed its task and shut down.""" Running = 1 """The node is still running.""" Errored = 2 """The node has failed."""
class NodeBase(object): """A base class for nodes that run a single subprocess.""" @abc.abstractmethod def __init__(self) -> None: self._process: Optional[subprocess.Popen] = None def __del__(self) -> None: # If the process isn't stopped by now, stop it here. It is preferable to # explicitly call stop(). self.stop(None) @abc.abstractmethod def start(self): """Start the subprocess. Should be overridden by the subclass to construct a command line, call self._create_process, and assign the result to self._process. """ pass def _create_process(self, args: Union[str, List[str]], env: Dict[str, str] = {}, merge_env: bool = True, stdout: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = None, stderr: Union[int, IO[Any], None] = None, shell: bool = False, **kwargs) -> subprocess.Popen: """A central point to create subprocesses, so that we can debug the command-line arguments. Args: args: An array of strings if shell is False, or a single string is shell is True; the command line of the subprocess. env: A dictionary of environment variables to pass to the subprocess. merge_env: If true, merge env with the parent process environment. shell: If true, args must be a single string, which will be executed as a shell command. Returns: The Popen object of the subprocess. """ if merge_env: child_env = os.environ.copy() child_env.update(env) else: child_env = env # Print arguments formatted as output from bash -x would be. # This makes it easy to see the arguments and easy to copy/paste them for # debugging in a shell. if shell: assert isinstance(args, str) print('+ ' + args) else: assert type(args) is list print('+ ' + ' '.join([shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args])) return subprocess.Popen(args, env=child_env, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, shell=shell, **kwargs) def check_status(self) -> ProcessStatus: """Returns the current ProcessStatus of the node.""" if not self._process: raise ValueError('Must have a process to check') self._process.poll() if self._process.returncode is None: return ProcessStatus.Running if self._process.returncode == 0: return ProcessStatus.Finished else: return ProcessStatus.Errored def stop(self, status: Optional[ProcessStatus]) -> None: """Stop the subprocess if it's still running.""" if self._process: # Slightly more polite than kill. Try this first. self._process.terminate() if self.check_status() == ProcessStatus.Running: # If it's not dead yet, wait 1 second. time.sleep(1) if self.check_status() == ProcessStatus.Running: # If it's still not dead, use kill. self._process.kill() # Wait for the process to die and read its exit code. There is no way # to ignore a kill signal, so this will happen quickly. If we don't do # this, it can create a zombie process. self._process.wait() class PolitelyWaitOnFinish(node_base.NodeBase): """A mixin that makes stop() wait for the subprocess if status is Finished. This is as opposed to the base class behavior, in which stop() forces the subprocesses of a node to terminate. """ def stop(self, status: Optional[ProcessStatus]) -> None: if self._process and status == ProcessStatus.Finished: try: print('Waiting for', self.__class__.__name__) self._process.wait(timeout=300) # 5m timeout except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: traceback.print_exc() # print the exception # Fall through. super().stop(status) class ThreadedNodeBase(NodeBase): """A base class for nodes that run a thread. The thread repeats some callback in a background thread. """ def __init__(self, thread_name: str, continue_on_exception: bool, sleep_time: float): super().__init__() self._status = ProcessStatus.Finished self._thread_name = thread_name self._continue_on_exception = continue_on_exception self._sleep_time = sleep_time self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_main, name=thread_name) def _thread_main(self) -> None: while self._status == ProcessStatus.Running: try: self._thread_single_pass() except: print('Exception in', self._thread_name, '-', sys.exc_info()) if self._continue_on_exception: print(self.__class__.__name__+": 'Continuing.'") else: print(self.__class__.__name__+": 'Quitting.'") self._status = ProcessStatus.Errored return # Wait a little bit before performing the next pass. time.sleep(self._sleep_time) @abc.abstractmethod def _thread_single_pass(self) -> None: """Runs a single step of the thread loop. This is implemented by subclasses to do whatever it is they do. It will be called repeatedly by the base class from the node's background thread. If this method raises an exception, the behavior depends on the continue_on_exception argument in the constructor. If continue_on_exception is true, the the thread will continue. Otherwise, an exception will stop the thread and therefore the node. """ pass def start(self) -> None: self._status = ProcessStatus.Running self._thread.start() def stop(self, status: Optional[ProcessStatus]) -> None: self._status = ProcessStatus.Finished self._thread.join() def check_status(self) -> ProcessStatus: return self._status