Installing Prerequisites

Yaml Module (required for development only)

We use the Python “yaml” module to parse config files. If you install Shaka Streamer via pip3, then this dependency will be installed for you automatically. If you got Shaka Streamer source from GitHub, you will need to install the module separately.

To install it on Ubuntu:

sudo apt -y install python3-yaml

This can also be installed via pip3 on any platform:

# To install/upgrade globally (drop the "sudo" for Windows):
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pyyaml

# To install/upgrade per-user:
pip3 install --user --upgrade pyyaml

Cloud Storage (optional)

Shaka Streamer can push content directly to a Google Cloud Storage or Amazon S3 bucket. To use this feature, the Google Cloud SDK is required.

See for details on installing the Google Cloud SDK on your platform.

Google Cloud Storage

If you haven’t already, you will need to initialize your gcloud environment and log in through your browser.

gcloud init

Follow the instructions given to you by gcloud to initialize the environment and login.

Amazon S3

To authenticate to Amazon S3, you can either add credentials to your boto config file or login interactively using the AWS CLI.

Test Dependencies (optional)

To run the end-to-end tests, you must install Flask and NPM. In Ubuntu 19.04+:

sudo apt -y install python3-flask nodejs npm
# Upgrade to a recent npm, which is not packaged:
sudo npm install -g npm

Flask can also be installed via pip3 on any platform:

# To install/upgrade globally (drop the "sudo" for Windows):
sudo pip3 install --upgrade flask

# To install/upgrade per-user:
pip3 install --user --upgrade flask

To install Node.js and NPM on any other platform, you can try one of these: